Friday, December 28, 2007

Always and Forever

Trees pollinate and the animals mate
The young grow and flourish as the sun beams down
The sick and weak wane as the leaves fall
The feeble are no more as whiteness sets upon the land
This is the cycle of life and death as mother nature has ordained
This will be always

The stars, planets and galaxies have been forever
My love spans an even greater continuum
Through time and space

Always and Forever

Since first we met - I loved you
The more we did as one the stronger my love grew
Til now, as the last weekend spent
I love you

Always ands Forever

As people come and go
As trees sprout a new and the leaves fall
As people live their lives and continue on to the netherworld
My love continues on

In life and death
As time passes on
As distances wax and wane
Our love grew infinitely stronger as we grew finitely closer
As the rest of the world continues on we continue to love each other

Always and Forever

James O'Neill, 1992

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